Cliff Hanger / Amasa Back Trail
Difficulty: 4 of 5
Type: 2 Track Miles: 5+ Cliff Hanger or Amasa Back Trail is a short but fun and technical climb that you can ride your dirt bike on while you’re riding the Kane Creek trail. You’ll end up 1000 feet above the Colorado River overlooking the entrance to Kane Creek and Pritchett Canyon. On the other side of the Colorado you'll spot the Poison Spider trail head. Cliff Hanger offers lots of ledges and drop offs. It’s mostly slick rock and well worn in by the 4x4’s. Directions: Turn west at McDonald's in Moab and then turn left on South Kane Creek Road at the junction. Follow the road until you reach dirt. You'll run right into the Kane Creek Parking area. The Cliff Hanger trail head starts about 2.5 miles down the road from the parking area. Map:
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